Chapter Workshop: PM Soup

Speaker/Facilitator: Doug Boebinger, PMP

The “PM Soup” Workshop will provide a recipe of PM ingredients designed to set you up for project management success.

Poor Man’s Approach to Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo answers one “simple” question – “what is the probability of success of your project plan meeting, its schedule and cost goals?”  To do full Monte Carlo on a project is time and cost prohibitive.  However, the “Poor Man’s Approach…” looks at a “Pareto” approach to the problem – get 80% of the benefit with 20% of the effort.  The presentation will walk through a simplified approach that yields results that can be used in your final project planning.  And there is a dice game pitting teams against each other to solidify the Poor Man’s Approach to Monte Carlo concepts.

Emotional Intelligence
How well do you identify and control your emotions and how well do you understand other people’s emotions?  This presentation explores the third part of a successful leader – Emotional Capability.  Technical skills and intellectual capability take you only so far to success.  People who master Emotional Intelligence tend to be more successful than those who don’t.

Re-Draw The Map
Re-Draw The Map is an exercise in understanding requirements, quality criteria and risk. A fun filled twist on the cause and effect of some of the most common problems on projects.  The presentation starts with an interactive game to demonstrate the basics needs when determining project requirements, quality criteria and risks.  This gets people out of their seats from the start.

Nobody likes negotiation, but we have to do it.  Nobody likes to buy a car mainly due to the negotiation that is inevitable.  This presentation looks at the traditional methods used in negotiation – hard vs soft and then proposed a better way:  principled negotiation.  Principled negotiation looks at a way to negotiate to solve the problem as opposed to win the battle.  During the presentation, teams of two will get a chance to practice principled negotiation with an opposing team in a mock negotiation exercise.

The Black Swan
This presentation explores the concept of Risk Management dealing with very high impact, very low probability risks known as “Black Swans.”  These risk events, when they happen (not if they happen), change the world – and not always for the good.  The question is, do you know how to deal with the impact of the highly improbable risks known as “The Black Swan”.

Doug Boebinger is president and founder of Integrated Process Developers, Inc. (IPDI). With over 25 years of experience as a project manager, consultant and trainer, Doug has worked with Fortune 500 companies, non-profits and government agencies, as well as major universities across the United States and Canada, to prepare its people and projects to meet today’s business needs. 

Doug received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Construction Engineering and Management, with a minor in business, from Purdue University.  He has worked in the construction, steel, automotive, life insurance and IT industries.

In 1997, Doug founded Integrated Process Developers, Inc., an international project management consulting and training company. As a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certified with the Project Management Institute (PMI)® since 1994, Doug has been teaching Project Management Professional preparation courses for the past 20+ years to project managers in ever industry around the world.

IPDI is a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) with the Project Management Institute (PMI)® since 2001, giving the highest quality training available.

On a personal note, Doug enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, Jennifer, of 30+ years and their daughter, Ashley. Doug also enjoys a good movie and a big rack of ribs – typically not at the same time.

PMI and PMP are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

Talent Triangle PDUs:
Technical PDUs: 2
Strategic & Business Management PDUs: 1
Leadership PDUs: 5

TOTAL PDUs - 8         

Event ID:  201711-4

Date / Time of Event:
11/16/2017   8:00 AM to 5:00 PM





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*The chapter’s annual business meeting will be held during the lunch break of the chapter’s workshop. (Workshop attendees are already included and don’t need to register for the separate annual meeting event.)

Our annual business meeting agenda provides reports on chapter-related business, including

  • Announcement of Board Member Election Results & Introductions
  • Chapter’s Financial Report for 2017
  • Chapter’s Goals & Accomplishments in 2017
  • Announcement of Chapter ByLaws Election Results
  • News & Plans for 2018

Canterbury Hill Winery and Restaurant
1707 S Summit Dr.
Holts Summit MO 65043

Attendee Cost:
Member Rate: $200.00
Non-Member Rate: $250.00

These topics will give you more tools/abilities, or improve your current tools/abilities, to manage your projects.  A diverse list of subjects to show different aspects of managing the day-to-day aspects of your project

Recommended Audience:
This presentation is geared to all professionals wanting to increase their knowledge in the workshop topics.

Prerequisites or Requirements: .None

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Event

Date: November 16th, 2017

Hour: 8:00AM to 5:00PM

Registration close date: November 13th, 2017 at 5:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $250.00

Members: $250.00

Non members and Guests: $250.00


Canterbury Hill Winery and Restaurant