August 2020 - Evening PM Network – The Remote Project Manager
The Remote Project Manager
Facilitator: Lori Kleckne
We have found ourselves in the position of mostly working from home. We are now, remote project managers. What can you do to be effective while remote? How do you maintain a peaceful co-existence between your professional and personal life? Please join us to discuss being remote; learn and share ideas – remotely.
Please note – this is a virtual meeting. Meeting connection information will be sent to participants prior to the meeting.
Talent Triangle PDUs:
Technical - 1.0
Event ID:20200818-01
Date / Time of Event:Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Topic Background
- Discussion
- Plan for next meeting
Location: Online Only – Virtual Meeting using Zoom
Attendee Cost:No cost
Benefits:Sharing and gaining topic insight
All who attend will earn 1 PDU.
Recommended Audience:Anyone interested in project management
Prerequisites or Requirements:None
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