January 2021 - Lunch PM Network – Top Trends Impacting Project Management
Top Trends Impacting Project Management
Facilitator: Jana Bott, PMP
Scientists believe it takes approximately 66 days to form a new habit. We are well past that number of days as we change how we do business due to Covid. There is a great deal of talk about how quickly we will return to “normal” but what if some of our new business habits work better than our previous normal? Let’s start 2021 with a look at some of the top trends impacting project management and have a robust discussion about which ones we would like to encourage and which ones we need to lead our teams and organizations away from maintaining.
You will receive a link to Zoom before the meeting.
Talent Triangle PDUs:
Leadership – 0.50
Strategic Business Management – 0.50
Event ID:20210128-01
Date / Time of Event:Thursday, January 28th, 2020 Noon - 1:00 PM
Location: Online Only – Virtual Meeting using Zoom
Attendee Cost:No cost
Benefits:Attendees will network with other professionals, share experiences and take home ideas they can use in the future . All who attend will earn 1 PDU
Recommended Audience:Project management practitioners, certified and non-certified, those interested in project management
Prerequisites or Requirements:None
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