April 2021 - PMs in the AM - Blockchains and Project Management, Are They Connected?
PMs in the AM
Blockchains and Project Management, Are They Connected?
Facilitator: Scott Christianson, CISSP, PMP
Blockchain technology might be a game-changer for accounting, supply chain, banking, contract law, and maybe even Project Management! But blockchains will only be useful if lots of people understand, trust, and adopt them. Enter “The Blockchain Game,” a hands-on exercise that explains the core principles or blockchains and serves as a launching pad for a discussion of blockchain’s real-world applications.
We’ll play the blockchain game, explore current blockchain projects, and have an open discussion of what blockchain might mean for project management.
Grab your coffee and breakfast if you choose, and plan to join us online.
Talent Triangle PDUs:
Strategic Business Management – .5
Technical – .5
Event ID: 20210413-01
Date / Time of Event: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Location: Virtual Meeting
Attendee Cost: No cost
Benefits: Attendees will gain understanding of earned value management (EVM) and reporting, including factors involved in EVM and common practices in reporting.
Recommended Audience: Chapter members, non-members
Prerequisites or Requirements: None
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